Create Systems To Be More Productive

My view of being productive might be a little different than most.  Before jumping into tools and strategies to be more productive, I think it's worthwhile to pick what would make most sense in your life for you to optimize for.

This way you'll strive for ultimate productivity in some areas of life and not so much in others. Allowing yourself time to just be, creates space and time for creativity and serendipity. Going hard and applying productivity tools to get this done feels great too. The goal is to have a balance of both.

Also, please disregard the idea that you have to be motivated to be productive.  Motivation is a myth. Productivity is a result of systems and requires nothing more than setting them up, stepping through the predetermined workflow, and feeling proud of yourself at the end when you completed what needed to be done.  

Below you'll find tools and strategies to be more productive in the things that I think are worth optimizing for. Let me know if you have different areas in life that you optimize for, I'm curious to know.

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Productivity Tools To Help Save Time and Energy

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